Posts Tagged With: Harry Potter


–> stands for Goofily Grinning For No Reason At All.

Of all the nonsensial stuff that I have posted on this blog across the span of… err… a year and a half, this may be the most nonsensical of all. SLAD. Smiling Like A Dunderhead.

I think I better get on with the post and torture my angsty, sarcastic and bitter alter ego *coughSmileyBunnyislamecough* with my nonsense sputter later.

SOOooo (<– I need a better opening), I’ve spent the better part of summer cooped up in a corner somewhere and poring over the entire Harry Potter series, and for a while got hooked on the wizarding… uhm… stuff (Hello? Brain? Yeah, uhm, can’t you process a much cooler phrase? Wizarding stuff? Really?) Naturally, when I finished all seven books, I started to look for fanfictions. Deathly Hallows left me wanting more, and that epilogue at the end of the book really really didn’t help me from wanting another sequel so badly. I’ve been browsing a lot lately, and have found something I wanted to share.

Hogwarts House Divided –> wonderfully written. In this story, we get to know Teddy Remus Lupin, Harry’s godson and son of the late Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, as he starts his Hogwarts schooling. Follow his misadventures and escapades with his three best friends Dewey, Kai and Violet as they hope to bridge the gap between the Noble Houses of Hogwarts that had widened into an alarming degree since the end of the Second War.

…Well, that was a lot of capitals.

It was a really enjoyable read… one that had me tearing my hair out at one second and then laughing hysterically at another. The downside is the large number of characters that had my brain reeling in confusion (wait, who was that girl again? Was she the one that said this or that last chapter? Who is this guy?), the upside is pretty much everything else.  I recommend it to everyone as much as I recommend Miss J.K. Rowling to please-make-a-next-generation-sequel-pretty-please-with-a-Crooshanks-on-top?

And of course, what is a post here in my beloved blog without my beloved DBSK on it?

One of the banners of the story. I was browsing the author’s Flickr account and my eyes caught something that suspiciously looked like one of my most beloved boyfriends (ang kapal) the DBSK guys, and viola!

Well, hello there, Yunho. I didn't know you belong to Ravenclaw =)

Well, whaddya know, it’s U-know! SLAD. One of the main characters is Kai Chang and he’s a kid. Maybe this is what they will look like in the future? Lucky kid. I knew I liked his character the best for a reason xD. He’s going to look like one of the most good-looking men in Asia.

I was grinning goofily because I finally made a connection (no matter how insignificant or made-up) between my favorite series and my favorite band. Hence the bad acronyms and stuff at the beginning.


*I apologize for the incoherency of this post. I am down with a cold. Is that a good enough excuse for the unintelligible ramblings?*

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